Features and Previews

"Earthless" emerges on the gaming scene as a cosmic odyssey, beckoning players into an enigmatic world of exploration and mystery. Developed for the PC, this title promises to deliver a unique and immersive experience. As we delve into the preview, it becomes apparent that "Earthless" seeks to carve its niche with a blend of captivating...

Let's see what Event Horizon can do with this indie game development, where innovation and creativity often thrive, "Dark Envoy" emerges as an intriguing addition to the CRPG (Computer Role-Playing Game) genre. Developed by Event Horizon, this title exudes a faint aroma of "Divinity" while venturing into uncharted territories of its own. Set in the...

Everyone knows and loves Lego. They've been an absolutely timeless creation, and they also appeal to all ages. From the simple bricks themselves, to full on scene creation sets, the little bricks truly are a wonder. And it seemed like only a matter of time before the brand made the jump from a physical toy, to a digital creation.

Acclaim Entertainment was a pioneering video game company that left an indelible mark on the gaming industry during its heyday in the 1990s and early 2000s. Founded in 1987 by Gregory Fischbach, the company quickly rose to prominence, producing an array of critically acclaimed and commercially successful games. However, like many giants of the...

Legend Bowl brings a refreshing dose of old-school football action to the Xbox Series X. Developed as a tribute to classic football video games of the past, this indie title combines retro aesthetics with modern gameplay elements. Offering a nostalgic experience with a contemporary twist, Legend Bowl is set to charm both football enthusiasts and...

Hello folks, today's topic is something that's very near and dear to my heart, Spider-Man. I grew up with all the Spidey comics, movies, animated shows and of course videogames. One of the first games I ever played was Spider-Man 2, at the young age of 4. That was almost 15 years ago, which is crazy to say…but yeah,...