Features and Previews

The Southfield beta, played on a PC, is an exciting glimpse into what promises to be a delightful addition to the farming simulation genre. With its vibrant art style, charming characters, and engaging gameplay mechanics, Southfield is shaping up to be a must-play for fans of cozy, cartoony farm sims.

Prepare yourself for a descent into darkness with Necrophosis, a new PC title that promises to push the boundaries of psychological horror and immersive storytelling. This preview delves into what makes Necrophosis a game to watch, highlighting its unique features and chilling atmosphere.

Prepare yourself for an enchanting journey into the mystical world of Soulmask, an upcoming PC game that promises to captivate players with its rich lore, stunning visuals, and innovative gameplay. While we can't provide a score just yet, the early impressions of Soulmask are overwhelmingly positive, hinting at a potential hit in the making.

As QubicGames marks its 20th anniversary, it's a perfect time to reflect on the incredible journey of this indie game developer and publisher. Known for its diverse and entertaining portfolio, QubicGames has consistently delivered engaging games across various platforms. In celebration of this milestone, the company has released 20 new games, many...

Prepare to unleash your inner ninja and embark on a thrilling journey through the shadows with Stealth Blade on PC, an upcoming 2D action platformer that promises to test your stealth skills and reflexes in a world of danger and intrigue. As a fan of challenging platformers and stylish stealth gameplay, I eagerly anticipate diving into this sleek...

Get ready to test your reflexes and skills in Impossible Slasher!, an upcoming PC game that promises to deliver an adrenaline-fueled experience like no other. As a fan of fast-paced action games and challenging gameplay, I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to dive into the heart-pounding world of Impossible Slasher! and see if I have what it takes...

Prepare to embark on an awe-inspiring journey through the cosmos with Solar System Simulator, an upcoming PC title that promises to transport players to the far reaches of space. As a fan of astronomy and exploration, I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to traverse the vast expanse of the universe and unlock its mysteries. This preview will delve...

Embark on an extraordinary journey through time and space with Times & Galaxy, an upcoming adventure game set to launch on PC. In this preview, we'll delve into the temporal twists and cosmic exploration that await players in this intriguing title. As a fan of immersive storytelling and mind-bending puzzles, I'm excited to offer a glimpse into the...

Prepare to embark on a cosmic journey like no other with NOVA CORE CHAOS, an upcoming co-op puzzle game set to launch on PC. In this preview, we'll delve into the collaborative challenges and diverse abilities that await players in the far reaches of space. As a fan of cooperative experiences and brain-teasing puzzles, I'm excited to offer a...

Marble Champions rolls onto the PC platform, promising players a thrilling and skilful experience in the world of marble racing. As a fan of precision-based gameplay and competitive challenges, I eagerly anticipated the opportunity to preview Marble Champions and witness the excitement of marble-rolling mastery. This preview will provide an...