Hell Let Loose

This game was reviewed on Xbox Series X.

Reviewed by: Jack Phillips
The truck sits idle, packed with a variety of soldiers, but two players are far more valuable than the rest; the support-class and his officer. Those two are the ones that will place the first garrison, where players can spawn, this will allow for the rest of the team to assault the first objective without much issue.
What I have just described is the ideal start to a match of Hell Let Loose, yet these starts are rare. Without playing on explicitly well organized servers, such as 82nd and Big Red One (For EU and US respectively), these starts are as rare as sightings of the elusive bigfoot; it is almost mythical and most likely, if you do encounter it, it is staged. As one of my friends always says; "The biggest weakness of a multiplayer game is the fact it is multiplayer." You've got very little control over the other players and all you can do is your part to try and contribute to the team. I will admit that I hold a, particular, contempt for people who play assault-classes and complain in the team-chat about a lack of support players or proceed to backseat game one of the tank-crews.
With quick, fast, TTKs, gunfights are always refreshing thanks to the variety of weaponry. Everything has the chance to kill you with a single headshot, whereas some guns are unable to drop you in a single shot to the torso. These gunfights are enjoyable, but can become frustrating when you hear nothing but the sound of your own corpse slamming into the ground. Conversely there is also nothing more satisfying than the quiet 'plink' that sounds when you score a headshot on a distant enemy.
I would prefer if the melee was more fleshed out; but that is personal preference and certainly not something that the devs should focus on.
Hell Let Loose 2 is apparently in development, time will tell what improvements they make onto the next title.
Reviewed by: Jack Phillips