Lego City Undercover

This game was reviewed on Xbox Series X.

Basing a sandbox game with one of the most recognisable toys on the globe goes hand in hand. Lego City Undercover is essentially a child equivalent to the GTA series. Developed by TT Fusion. The adventure begins with the protagonist, Detective Chase McCain, who returns to Lego City on a mission to capture an old villain. After he learns that the dreaded, Rex Fury, has escaped prison and is running rough shot.
The main story is broken down into fifteen chapters, roughly around an hour apiece. It's a well-written plot that involves plenty of humour and classic movie references. What makes Lego games popular, is not only quality but the charisma they ooze. Small details that could be easily missed or not understood by a younger audience that turns an already funny scene that bit more humorous. It is somewhat an art form to recapture a comedy sketch that has multiple layers, which frequently occurs. Full voice acted and brilliantly executed.
Investigating clues, car chases, hand to hand combat and traversing large structures are basically the core aspects of the gameplay. All in the third person, using a fluid control scheme, closely resembling other mainstream titles in the sandbox genre.
Exploring Lego City at the beginning is restricted. Story missions are required for unlocking new areas. This includes small areas locked off in open areas of the map, that require a certain costume and its ability earned in the story to access. In this regard, there's a reason to backtrack when hunting for the vast amount of collectables to be found. And I mean a lot.
If you're searching for a game with a robust amount of side missions, this isn't going to satisfy that itch. Two bonus missions await at the end and that's literally about it. There are cute distractions, but nothing substantial. A single button game of basketball is a joy to find, yet only a means to gain extra bricks. Bricks serving as the game's currency that contribute to the games procession and building useful vehicle stations across the map. Including structures known as 'super builds'.
This is a game targeted at kids. Unfortunately, it can be a frustrating experience as there are areas in the main story that could be hinted better. My son, in particular, became stuck during his playthrough, at age six that's to be expected.
When trying to assist, I even struggled to recall how I managed to move along during certain parts. At times the hint system is on point, others, I'd argue tarot cards would be a more helpful method in guidance. It isn't a game-breaker, just do not be surprised to encounter multiple forks in the road.
Lego City is a vibrant location, similar to San Francisco. An eye-catching presentation that is accompanied by a jazz heavy soundtrack. It all wraps up for that classic 70s/80s cop drama twang. Taking inspiration from bygone eras and managed to stand out fresh.
Overall, this is a thoroughly enjoyable game. Young players may find this difficult as the hints are not enough at times, not explaining enough detail of what needs to be done. That won't stop the interest in exploring the Lego world that awaits. A worthy sandbox to plunge many hours into and doesn't lose novelty value easily. For the completionists out there, Lego City Undercover presents a substantial challenge. In a heatedly competitive genre, this is a fun and solidly built title. Comfortable in its own skin, however, nothing groundbreaking.
Lego City Undercover was originally released on the WII U that utilised the gamepad as a second screen. It was later ported to the Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows; with improved visuals.
Daniel Barker